Friday, July 18, 2014


Some of you may have noticed my absence on my blog as of late, and I wanted to explain why this absence has occurred:

1. Did you know that the deadline for registering for fall classes is like next week?
2. I'm in a musical! Check it out here... and here...and you can buy tickets here.
3. Blogger (the website you're on right now, reading my blog) has not allowed me to post my images lately... and I have absolutely not idea why. So! I've been scouring the web to find a new host for my blog... and I think I've found one.
4. Paleo... man. I've been cooking my behind off! Cooking is exhausting. (Insert hashtag first world problems)

The plan is to have a new web host by the end of the month (fingers crossed), so pray to that end. I have a lot of neato stuff to share with you guys!

Thank you all for reading, and being super lovely.

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